When you think of auto insurance, you likely think of collision coverage, liability coverage, and perhaps comprehensive coverage. But there’s another aspect of auto insurance that often flies under the radar, yet can be a real lifesaver when you need it: roadside assistance. At Ally Insurance Brokers of Omaha, we’re here to shine a spotlight on this unsung hero of auto insurance.
What is Roadside Assistance?
Roadside assistance is a type of coverage that can help you when you’re stranded on the side of the road. Whether it’s a flat tire, a dead battery, or an empty gas tank, roadside assistance can get you back on the road quickly and safely.
The Benefits of Roadside Assistance
Imagine you’re driving home late at night and your car breaks down. Or you’re on a road trip and you get a flat tire in an area with no cell service. In these situations, roadside assistance can be invaluable. It provides peace of mind, knowing that help is just a phone call away.
Adding Roadside Assistance to Your Policy
Many auto insurance policies offer roadside assistance as an optional coverage. It’s typically quite affordable, and it can save you a significant amount of money (and stress) in the event of a breakdown.
At Ally Insurance Brokers of Omaha, we’re committed to helping drivers in Omaha, NE understand the full range of protections their auto insurance can offer. If you have any questions about roadside assistance or any other aspect of your coverage, don’t hesitate to contact us.